Imperial War Museum - WW1 Gallery

I was lead designer/animator on a number of large format animated films and interactive displays for the WWI Gallery at the Imperial War Museum in London.

Created during my time at ISO. © ISO Design


Seizing Victory.


The Seizing Victory exhibit consisted of two animated films, detailing the war offensive from both the allies and German perspective. Using film and image content from the IWM archives, the content was placed in forced perspective on a map surface.

U-boats Sink.


Working with in-house Unity developers, we created an interactive strategy game called U-boats Sink. Users must save merchant ships under attack by German submarines, by making a number of strategic decisions. I designed the user interface and developed the user experience for the interactive.

People of Britain.


People of Britain was a large format projected film at the entrance to the gallery, using edited archive film footage to show the daily lives of the Edwardian social classes.

My Role.

Creative Direction / Motion Graphics / Editing / UI Design / User Experience


2014 Commonwealth Games


Pernod Ricard